Race Schedule 2016

  • Jan 24-29 Team iTz Camp: Sanibel Island , FL
  • Mar 10-13 Timex Team Camp: Tucson, Arizona
  • Apr 17 King Tut Oly: Dallas, Texas
  • Aug 13 USAT Sprint Nationals: Omaha, Nebraska
  • Sept 11-18 ITU World Chicago AG Sprint: Cozumel, Mexico


Why Not?

Have you ever desired to change something about your physical well being? Perhaps you've had a goal to run a marathon or to establish healthier eating habits? Whatever your specific goal might be, let me assure you that a change must occur. You are the only thing standing in the way of the life you so desire. Since this particular blog is fitness related I wanted to share a story that epitomizes the benefits of change.


On the front end, I would like to say that Trista Francis is a superstar athlete and I never would have had the chance to meet her had I not embraced the change that occurred in my life 7 years ago. I am now a Timex Multisport teammate of Trista's but in the fall of 2006, I found myself in an operating room in Canada within minutes of death. I have undergone a major transformation in my life and am now living my athletic dream.


I was diagnosed with an intestinal disorder as a teenager and suffered in silence for nearly 15 years. I will spare you the horrible details but I was always sick. My stomach hurt, I couldn't eat, I was anemic and was always running a fever. The disease in my large intestine was causing inflammation that ultimately led to a rupture. On that tumultuous day in 2006, my body began to leak bacteria into my bloodstream and I was becoming septic. Surgery was the only option if I hoped to live. The thing about surgery at this critical point in my life is that it was not the first time it had been recommended. I resisted because I was scared to death of what my life might be like on the other side of the knife. 


When I think back over the last 7 years and all that I have been able to accomplish, I keep asking myself "if I never accepted the change that saved my life and all that came with a difficult physical recovery I would not be alive today." Before my surgery, I could not climb a flight of stairs without losing my breath. Now I am amazed at how my body can perform is a healthy state. I treat every day as a gift to make my body the best it can be. Physical change is not easy and we tend to develop habits that lead to comfort. The illusion of the comfort zone is that it keeps us from becoming better versions of ourselves. Comfort has no place in transformation. If you want to change something about you, YOU must embrace the discipline it will take. In other words, you have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Our God in Heaven created us in His image and meant for us to thrive and not just survive. My life is a testimony to the incredible blessing that change can be.

I would love to hear your feedback and to have you share your story with me and my community at

Bo Parrish